Monday, May 5, 2008

Front Door Before & After...

We decided to paint the front door and install new hardware. We still need to replace the light fixture and mailbox (note my feeble attempt to paint it, but I just had to in order to hide the nasty weathered "brass" metal).

For those of you paying attention, you'll quickly realize that the before pic is not "actually" our door. I totally forgot to take a "before" picture. I'll have to locate a actual photo (like on paper and everything) and scan it (horror of horrors).....maybe. Hell, who am I kidding, that is never going to happen! Just trust me when I say that the door was in need of an overhaul. There were rust spots from many a doggie nose pushing it open and dings from a certain durable medical device (ahem) and ground in dirt, grease, and dead spiders and...anyhow you get the point.

The nice people at Lowe's gave me my painting advice (tsp wash, kilz, exterior semi gloss in acrylic latex) but I picked the color - Valpar Bardast...WTH is a Bardast??? - some kind of blueness, not colonial, not navy, not gunmetal, not a name I would pick but there you go...
---Note, we have not published a final on the bathroom because I am STILL LOOKING for a cabinet to fit in the "nook". May have to either settle (what?!) or have one custom built.....still debating that one!